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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum Python version required?

The minimum version is Python 3.7, this is checked during install.


KlipperScreen was not designed to work with OctoPrint and there are no plans to make it compatible.

Can i use KlipperScreen as a desktop application?

Yes, First disable the service:

sudo systemctl disable KlipperScreen

and open the application via the menu when you need it.

you can also find the shortcut in KlipperScreen/scripts/KlipperScreen.desktop

Titlebar turned red and says CPU and RAM

It's the high resource warning system, having your printer with very high usage of CPU or RAM will lead to issues, usually involving timer too close in klipper, if it appears during an update or some maintanance process, it should not be an issue, just don't start printing until it clears.