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First Steps

The first step to troubleshooting any problem is getting the cause of the error.

  • Find KlipperScreen.log:


This log file should be provided if you ask for support.

Depending on your setup the file could be accessible from the web interface alongside other logs

Mainsail Fluidd
mainsail_logs fluidd_logs

if you can't find it in the web interface, you will need to grab the system logs as explained below

Alternative: Using sftp to grab the logs

It is possible to use sftp to grab the log, with an application like Filezilla or WinSCP

With some file-browsers like Dolphin, just type the address for example: sftp://pi@

Locate the logs at ~/printer_data/logsor in /tmp/ if the former doesn't exist.

System logs

If KlipperScreen.log doesn't exist open a terminal in the host (typically from SSH) and run this commands:

Multiple printers on the same host

If the host is running multiple printers you may need to change printer_data to printer_1_data

systemctl status KlipperScreen > ~/printer_data/logs/KlipperScreen_systemctl.log
journalctl -xe -u KlipperScreen > ~/printer_data/logs/KlipperScreen_journalctl.log
cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log ~/printer_data/logs/KlipperScreen_Xorg.log
cp -n /tmp/KlipperScreen.log ~/printer_data/logs/KlipperScreen.log

This will copy all the relevant logs to the folder described above, so they can be downloaded from the browser. With the method described in the first section. You may need to press refresh or reload the page

Alternative: inspect them directly on the terminal:


Please do not copy-paste the output of the terminal when providing info for an issue, most of the time this output will be incomplete, use the method described above

systemctl status KlipperScreen
journalctl -xe -u KlipperScreen
cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log

Screen shows console instead of KlipperScreen


If you see this line in the system logs:

xf86OpenConsole: Cannot open virtual console 2 (Permission denied)
Follow this steps

If you see this line in the system logs:

xinit[948]: /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ undefined symbol: shadowUpdatePackedWeak
Follow this steps

If you see this line in the system logs: (EE) no screens found(EE)
This is usually not the main cause of the error. Start by checking the screen

Drivers not installed or misconfigured can cause this too, continue looking the logs for more clues.

If you see this line in the system logs:

modprobe: FATAL: Module g2d_23 not found in directory /lib/modules/6.1.21-v8+
This error is common on RaspberryOS when using FBturbo, it's not a related issue.

If you see this line in the system logs:

(EE) Cannot run in framebuffer mode. Please specify busIDs for all framebuffer devices
This has been known to happen on RaspberryOS Bookworm Lite on Pi5

sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-vc4.conf
paste this into the file:
Section "OutputClass"
  Identifier "vc4"
  MatchDriver "vc4"
  Driver "modesetting"
  Option "PrimaryGPU" "true"

Maybe it's the wrong framebuffer

If you can't fix it, try using a desktop distro as described here.

If you want to contribute a solution: Contact

Screen is always white / black or No signal

If the screen never shows the console even during startup, Then it's typically an improperly installed screen.

Follow this steps

The screen shows colors or 'No signal' when idle

In KliperScreen settings find 'Screen DPMS' and turn it off.


Your screen doesn't seem to support turning off via software.

KlipperScreen will enable an internal screensaver to make it all black, and hopefully avoid burn-in. If you find a way of turning it off, please share it: Contact

Touch issues

Follow this steps

Network panel doesn't list WI-FI networks

Follow this steps

I see the Desktop environment instead of KlipperScreen

Follow this steps

Other issues

If you found an issue not listed here, or can't make it work, please provide all the log files a description of your hw, and a description of the issue when asking for support